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SoulTalk Podcast

Jac shares her perspective on spiritual awakening and enlightenment with Kute Blackson of SoulTalk podcast. She encourages listeners to fall in love with their humanness.


Listen to this episode and learn how to reconnect with your true self and fulfill your greatest purpose in life.

Some Questions Kute Asks:

  • Are enlightenment and awakening the same thing?

  • How can someone forgive and love themselves if they’ve done some really bad things in the past?

  • Why do enlightened people, spiritual leaders abuse their power?

  • Is the world an illusion? Is there one God? If so, why is there so much evil in the world?

  • How to manifest in the world when you’re connecting only with your divine spirit and not your ego, ‘I’?

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • What enlightenment is and some misconceptions about enlightenment.

  • How to detangle yourself from compulsive relationships and thoughts.

  • How to forgive yourself from something you did in the past.

  • How to identify the difference between a mental illness and a spiritual awakening.

  • The reason that there is a purpose for everything that happens to us.

  • What taking a leap of faith looks like.

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